US Route 29 Transmission Water Main
Project Overview
DME provided support for US Route 29 Water Transmission Main Project from Little Patuxent Parkway to Maryland Route 108 within Howard County. This scope of work for this project includes but is not limited to: tunneling under the Route 108 Ramp for the installation of a 60-inch diameter casing via micro-tunneling operation, which will require 24 hour per day construction inspection and two 12-hour shifts for 7 days per week. DME senior engineers provided construction oversight for all field activities, approved monthly estimates, and directed progress meetings. Inspection services were provided during contractors work activities, ensure compliance with plans and specifications, document progress, provide detailed daily reporting, site supervision, and complete additional construction management tasks. Inspectors utilized Prolog for all document management as needed for RFIs, submittals, daily reports, and meeting minutes.
Scope of Work
This scope of work for this project includes including installation of 7,300 linear feet of 36” BWCCP water main, approximately 752 linear feet of 60-inch diameter casing via tunneling methods, a cathodic protection system, access manhole/blow-off assemblies, air release valve manholes and assemblies, connections to existing mains, abandonment of the existing main, traffic control, surface restoration
Construction Phase
Our team provided resident inspection and coordination, Progress meetings, document control, schedule reviews, assistance with RFI’s and Change Orders, and payment application approvals.